The Prize of being busy

Well, I was really serious when I posted, I was busy. But I know everyone of us are busy on things sometimes not so important. For me blogging has become a part of my routine, and I find it important to share my thought and ask the thought of others relative to mine.

I tried so hard to make this personal notes of what paid off for my busy hours awhile back. There's nothing big deal anyway. It's that my department, the office I run with, I mean, just received a citation last December 5, 2008, for a job well done. Sort of me and my partners are considered among the two top performing sections of the entire department. That's not big deal for the detractors, the critics, and the antagonistic minds, but for me that forms part of the prize for being busy. I hope you agree.

Sometimes, however, there are negative sides of it. And one I experienced is that my son, out of peer pressure, joined some kind of a fraternity or a gang. Good the school found it earlier and the group came short of inflicting damage to their moral and ethical values. Maybe I was so occupied I haven't noticed, but as I have earlier shared in this blog, adolescents are keen to adventurism. Then I was a victim, yet I have cushioned the impact earlier and I hope my child would follow the lead.

Being too busy may not always be positive as I have shown it, therefore keep watch and be vigilant as the season of Advent is calling on us to Watch and be Prepared!