Plagiarism is a crime but the complexity of it's control systems makes writers ignore it. You can copy as many unique ideas posted in the Internet and mark it as your own. You can even manipulate the date you've written the article to be earlier than the original post. Or you can just change the original concept. Fine! But conscience, your conscience, knows you are guilty of a crime. The fact is, you are not cheating others; you are cheating yourself. It is said, stealing no matter how small is still stealing.
Why are we afraid to give credit to others? I think it is simple to say, "this idea is inspired by somewhere.com" or the story is based on the post of "Mr Soand So from anywhere.net." Why do we hesitate to put a link to the original thought? Sometimes we even hesitate to click a paid ad no matter how interesting it is because we think it is commercial and would benefit the site only.
Whatever it is that we think, I wish to remind every writer that everyone has his own good idea, and every good idea deserves to have credit. Only gossips do not wish to be traced. So therefore lets spread the values of giving proper credit to whom credit is due.
God bless us all!
(image taken from www.inforesearching.com)