Coping with setbacks

Sometimes in the course of our journey in life we meet some interruptions which would make us feel we are back in the starting line.

Setbacks come in different forms and magnitude. Small ones may happen regularly and make up some of the common challenges in our lives. But big blows may dampen our enthusiasm to go on the fight. The weak will falter, in some worse case with suicide.

But life is meant to be lived this way. And so we are encouraged to be strong and to "rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance" (Romans 5:3, New International Version).

Just as gold is policed by fire; as the finest wood art is made by severe polishing; and the straight road can be carved out of the mountains let us stand firm with faith in God.

To those who are facing setbacks today you may say this little prayer, "Lord, show me the way of your love amidst these troubles. For your light is the way to salvation. Amen."

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