
The season of Lent is also a time to reflect on our faith; a time to gather the moments when we are weak and to regain our strength not only for our spiritual struggles but also with our relationship to God and our neighbors. And the closest neighbors that we have is our family.

My son Carlo attended a three day recollection last March 13-15, 2009 sponsored by the Catholic school he is in. By the close of the event on Sunday, parents were invited for a short session with the priest who facilitated the event. The 1-hour talk was both full of excitement, fun, and a lot of points to reflect on. One idea I gained from the session is about the concept that "problems, when they strike on us is not equal to life but only just a small part of it." Furthermore he said, a problem without solutions is not a problem at all. It is merely an "inconvenience" which we need to endure and not solve.

When faced with hard predicaments, let us put in mind that there are only two persons who have no problems, "those who are 6 feet below the ground (dead) and those who are in the mental hospital (fools)," the priest added.