Many people are shocked when they heard about the news on Michael Jackson's reported death. It seemed to many that fame is an assurance of a prolonged presence on earth. But most of the times human perspective is inferior against the wisdom of our creator. God gives and He takes.

As I browsed my Bible this morning, my cutting lead me to Ezekiel Chapter 37. Several times I had been led into this part of The Holy Book. I'm not sure if the portion is just loosely bound but I understand there's a meaning God wanted me to ponder on the passages. The Chapter speaks about a vision of Ezekiel where he saw a field of dry bones. God commanded him to prophesy and to make the bone alive with flesh and breath and turn them into a great army. The message was actually intended for Israel. It was then, but now it concerns everyone, every faithfuls, every believers of God.
A lot of people today felt they are rich, famous, and successful, but are actually
bone dry in spirit and faith. Materialism has turned many into ceremonial Christians where love for fellow humans are expressed with other selfish reasons if not lust. Yes, we are living, yet many in this society are dead because God is set aside and the true Christian love is taken for granted.
But there is hope, just as Michael Jackson passed this stage of life, there is another stage where he shall play as another actor with another role. And as Ezekiel's vision speaks, God is The Director, who could make your role a significant one from just merely a "bone dry" character.