Hail to the King

I was astonished to find that the Holy Spirit has reminded me of a really remarkable Sunday in the calendar of the Christians, Catholics in particular. November 22 is Christ the King Sunday, the last Sunday of Ordinary Time and the sign of the onset of another Advent.

Admittedly, because of so much work, I forgot about the day. It was during a neighborhood group meeting on Saturday, which we were not supposed to be a regular participant, that we are asked to get a single word from a line in the days Scriptural reading and share something to the group why we choose the words. With the dictates of the Spirit I have chosen the word "King."

The message I shared with the group revolves around the importance of having somebody rule our life greater that we are. I learned the experience of not having to succumb to the power of somebody higher than me, not even my parents, not even God. But I have experienced the difference too, of accepting that there is someone supreme than we are. I admit and prove, God is more than what we are, humans, even more than what think He is. He is King of all Kings indeed.

But unlike most of the Kings we knew, God is most humble of all for He stoop down, kneel, be nailed on the cross just to reach me, a sinner, just to pick me out of the dark and lead me back to His flock.

"Lord, forgive all my sins and count me back as worthy of your Kingdom."