I have e-mailed an elder (Brod Nards) in the CFC community in the Diocese of Naval, Biliran Province about the previous comments on the posts Let Us Love one Another and 17th Year of Faith. Fortunately he allowed me to post his reply. I am posting it not to spur another argumentation but to show the convictions of our leadership regarding the issue. We in Biliran for a fact is peacefully settled and we don't allow others to intimidate our desire to serve God.
Here are the contents of the message after the salutation:
Got your email, sorry haven't responded you promptly as I've been quite busy for the past week attending out of town official business.
About the seemingly "negative" reactions here from our brethren in CFC-GK, well, only God knows what are the true desires of everyone's hearts and minds. If they believed they knew the "real issues" then let them go on. We in the CFC-FFL Biliran/Diocese of Naval on the other hand had been through with our fervent discernment not based on personalities involved but on valid facts and issues and consequently we came into our full conviction of our affiliation.
If these "love one another" brethren have the right to chose with CFCGK, the more that we also have our own full right to affiliate with what we believed in, that is of CFC-FFL.
The issue have deviated now and they are focusing recently on alleged birth right of using the name "CFC". What a heck is in a name! Are these bloggers have been in the CFC community for the past two decades? I for one being with for that period can attest the real mission and purpose of the true CFC. Sorry but what I learned is that many of these mouth blabber brethren just came in at GK period, well, not necessarily all.
After all, it is not the laws on earth that will prevail as we face with our Divine Creator, it is on how we act of His Divine Words.
Let's Walk with our Talk! God bless and Peace to everyone.